Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Attachment and Imprinting Essay

Attachment Attachment is an emotional bond which we as people depend on for our sense of security . Attachment is not just a connection between two people; it is a bond that involves a desire for regular contact with that person we want to remain close to one another. But also we can have the distress of separation and joy and being reunited. As we form attachments throughout our lives there is a particular attachment between babies and their main primary carer According to psychologist Mary Ainsworth , attachment â€Å"may be defined as an affectional tie that one person or animal forms between himself and another specific one – a tie that binds them together in space and endures over time.† Attachment behaviour in adults towards a child includes responding sensitively and appropriately to the child’s needs. Such behaviour appears universal across cultures. Attachment theory provides an explanation of how the parent-child relationship emerges and influences subsequent development. John Bowlby’s theory of attachment led to believe the importance of the child’s relationship with their mother in terms of their social, emotional and cognitive development. Specifically, it shaped his belief about the link between early infant separations with the mother and later, led Bowlby to formulate his attachment theory. Rudolph Schaffer and Peggy Emerson studied the progress of 60 babies starting from a few weeks old to 18 months. These children were observed in their own home , and a pattern was identified in their development of attachment. They found that babies attachment developed in a sequence Up to 3 months of age – Indiscriminate attachments. The newborn is predisposed to attach to any human. Most babies respond equally to any caregiver After 4 months – Preference for certain people. Infants they learn to distinguish primary and secondary caregivers but accept care from anyone; After 7 months – Special preference for a single attachment figure. The baby looks to particular people for security, comfort and protection. It shows fear of strangers (stranger fear) and unhappiness when separated from a special person  (separation anxiety). Some babies show stranger fear and separation anxiety much more frequently and intensely than others, but nevertheless they are seen as evidence that the baby has formed an attachment. This has usually developed by one year of age. After 9 months – Multiple attachments. The baby becomes increasingly independent and forms several attachments The results of their study found that attachment were most likely to develop with carers who responded to their needs , rather than the person that spent most of their time with . Schaffer and Emerson called this sensitive responsivness .But the most important fact in forming attachments is not who feeds and changes the child but who plays and communicates with him or her. Bartholomew gathered evidence that attachment behaviour exists across many different cultures . Bartholomew thought it was relevant to study adults as well as children and found evidence to suggests that adults have the desire for closeness with and attachment figure especially under certain conditions . Attachment has proved to be an invaluable in understanding the relationship between early experiences and later development. A secure attachment greatly advantages the child in its later development . Imprinting Is a rapid learning process by which a newborn or very young animal establishes a behaviour pattern of recognition and attraction to another animal of its own kind or to a substitute or an object identified as the parent. A form of imprinting is filial imprinting, in which a young animal acquires several of its behavioral characteristics from its parent. Imprinting is the term used in psychology to describe any kind of phase-sensitive learning (learning occurring at a particular age or a particular life stage) that is rapid and apparently independent of the consequences of behaviour. It was first used to describe situations in which an animal or person learns the characteristics of some stimulus, which is therefore said to be â€Å"imprinted† onto the subject. However, in child development the term is used to refer to the process by which a baby learns who its mother and father are. The process is recognised as beginning in the womb, when the unborn baby starts to recognise its  parents’ voices. Konrad Lorenz , a scientist who studied animals in their natural environment and their behaviour , found imprinting is an inbuilt tendency for a young animal to follow a moving object and form an attachment . Konrad Lorenz conducted an experiment with greylag goslings who were reared from an egg by humans and did not mix with their own speicies . He found that they imprinted to the first large moving object that it sees Lorenz also found that imprinting occurs in other kinds of animals too . He found many types of birds , some insects , fishes and some mammmals , for example deer and sheep . However imprinting not occur in human infants but they do form close relationships with others . An infant will behave differently with its mother and recognise her voice when heard , or follow her movements round the room , stop crying when they are picked up by her , a baby will recognise its own mother 2 How can studies of animal behaviour and reactions be applied to human psychology ? .Write 500 words to elaborate and justify your answer. The study of animal behaviour can lead to a deeper and broader understanding of human psychology. Research on animal behaviour has led to numerous discoveries about human behaviour, such as Ivan Pavlov’s research on classical conditioning or Harry Harlow’s work with rhesus monkeys. Many psychologists studied animals to gain an insight into human development so they could understand human behaviour without studying humans for moral and ethical reasons . This would also restrict the type of research that they could use on a human being. They also found you could control the animals environment and animals are quicker at reaching adulthood allowing them to research in a short time . Harlow did a study/experiment on young rhesus monkeys were he separated them from their mother at birth , he wanted to show the importance of a mother’s love for a healthy childhood . His study was cruel yet they uncovered truths that influence our understanding of child development .Harlow’s most famous experiment was when he separated two monkeys at birth and placed them with two artifical surrogate mothers, a wire mesh â€Å"mother† and a cloth â€Å"mother† one was not so nice to cuddle and the other ( cloth mother) was more soft and cuddly. . Both had tubes in which the monkeys could obtain food . the experiment discovered that the  monkeys spent more time with their cloth mother than their wire mother , which concluded that â€Å" contact comfort† was important in the development of affection. Harlow also found the attachment of infant monkeys to their surrogate in other experiments that he did . An example is that he placed a moving toy into the cage ,the monkeys reaction would be of one of fear or they would scream or cry, however if the wire mother was present it would stop , but with the cloth mother they showed initial fear but would quickly calm down when close to her and would explore the object with the security of the cloth mother . Harlows experiments showed proof that love is vital for normal childhood development â€Å"These data make it obvious that contact comfort is a variable of overwhelming importance in the development of affectional response, whereas lactation is a variable of negligible importance,† Harlow explained (1958). Ivan Pavlov classical conditional theory is based on his observations, he focused on investigating exactly how these conditioned responses are learned or acquired. Classical conditioning is often used to treat phobias, anxiety and panic disorders. It’s important to note that classical conditioning involves placing a neutral signal before a naturally occurring reflex. In Pavlov’s classic experiment with dogs, the neutral signal was the sound of a tone and the naturally occurring reflex was salivating in response to food. Behaviorism is based on the assumption that learning occurs through interactions with the environment. Two other assumptions of this theory are that the environment shapes behavior and that taking internal mental states such as thoughts, feelings, and emotions into consideration is useless in explaining behaviour. A understanding of human behaviour and development through studies of social behaviour in monkeys has relevance for general and child psychology . Especially in Harlow’s learning research it demonstrates that animals , like humans are able to learn and apply stategies to situations , so we have a better understanding on why we behave the way we do .

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Advantages of Technology Essay

One of the new technology police officers are taking advantage of are the Stun Guns. Stun gun, hand-held electronic device that produces a high-voltage pulse that can immobilize a person for several minutes with no permanent damage in most cases. It is powered by ordinary batteries, which supply power to a circuit containing transformers, oscillators, capacitors, and electrodes. A Taser works by creating an electrical circuit, a closed path through which electricity travels. A battery in the gun supplies the electricity. When the gun is not in use, the electricity can’t flow through it and complete the circuit, because the two darts are not in contact with each other. But when the darts hit a person, they can stick to skin or clothing. The person’s body then closes the circuit, and electricity flows through it, delivering a powerful shock. A series of shocks can be delivered to the same person, once the darts have implanted them-selves. The strength of an electric curre nt is measured in two ways. One measure, called amperage, is the amount of electricity that flows in the circuit. Amperage is like the amount of water that flows through a hose. The second measure, called voltage, is the amount of force behind the electricity. Voltage is like the pressure of water in a hose. Stun guns are designed to be non-lethal–to have a high voltage but a low amperage. In other words, the guns put a lot of pressure behind low-intensity electricity–like a hose that shoots a thin stream of water. The high voltage allows the current from the darts to jump through even thick clothing, but the low amperage limits the amount of electricity flooding through the body (Jozefowicz, 2006). Supporters say that electroshock guns are a safer alternative to devices such as firearms. TASER International uses the term â€Å"non-lethal† as defined by the United States Department of Defense – which does not mean the weapon cannot cause death, but that it is not intended to be fatal. Non-lethal weapons are defined as â€Å"weapons that are explicitly designed and primarily employed so as to incapacitate personnel or material, wh ile minimizing fatalities, permanent injury to personnel, and undesired damage to property and the environment.† Supporters say that electroshock weapons and tasers are more effective than other means including pepper-spray (an eye/breathing irritant), batons or other conventional ways of inflicting pain, even hand guns, at bringing a subject down to the ground with a minimum physical exertion (Agnes, 2004, p. 1423). I am for police stun guns and I believe  stun guns are great because they’re used instead of deadly force, but unfortunately most of the time, they’re used instead of yelling, handcuffing, and repeating instructions. It should be required that the stun gun spray ink on the hands of the person who discharges it, then at least the people would have some incentive to use restraint with them. Or maybe even put a counter on it, so the cop has to write a report of why he discharged it. Stun guns do not kill (except in very odd cases) help protect both the police and the person they are up against from being too hurt. Critics, however, charge that police officers who are r isk-averse resort to tasers in situations where previously they would have used more conventional, less â€Å"extreme† techniques, such as trying to reason with a cornered suspect. Another new technology that not only police officers are taking advantage, but also the public is the patrol car video surveillance. One of the biggest limitations of police officers and other agents of the law is the inability to properly assess a large or dangerous situation in times of need. Errors in judgment about riots, car chases or other instances of civil disobedience could wreak havoc and cause danger to innocent bystanders, participants, or the officers themselves. Video surveillance cameras and other methods of communication between officers provide a valuable solution to a pressing problem. Surveillance methods used by officers and police departments may vary, and can be anything from a video surveillance camera mounted on the dashboard of a patrol car or the skids of a helicopter, to an unmanned aerial drone or a red light camera at an intersection. Each of these surveillance cameras brings a different benefit to police officers and has been valuable in times of need. As freeways and interstate travel became more popular, more and more police officers and state troopers were needed on highways and interstates to control speeding, drunk driving, and other unsafe driving practices like tailgating. As behaviors like road rage became more widespread, unwarranted attacks on officers increased. Dash-mounted video surveillance cameras recorded these attacks and provided evidence in the prosecution of the attackers (Agnes, 2004, p. 1517). A patrol car’s video camera can prove to be a powerful training tool that allows the police to carefully review actual patrol stops, and subsequently help their  officers to identify potential safety or procedural problems that may require modification or improvement. They also help in preparing evidence for court. In regard to stun guns, I believe that many police agencies consider a stun gun as a welcomed alternative to the deadly force of a conventional gun. References Agnes, Michael (2004). Webster’s New World College Dictionary (4th ed.). Cleveland, Ohio:Wiley. Jozefowicz, C. (2006). â€Å"Undue force? Taser stun guns are designed to be nonlethal, but criticssay the guns have killed some people.† Retrieved December 9, 2007, from CurrentScience, a Weekly Reader publication 91.12 (March 3, 2006): 10(5). GeneralOneFile. Gale. University of Phoenix Advantages of Technology Essay Over the past few years, technology has been changing and expanding in every way possible. Even though it might seem like todays technology has reached its limits, that is far from the truth. It was only about twenty years ago that â€Å"personal computers† became small enough and affordable enough to buy and use. Ever since, technology has been changing peoples lives for the better. One way that technology has changed our lives for the better is by making business results faster and more accurate. â€Å"Think back to how business was done a few decades ago. There was no email,Internet, mobile marketing, telecommuting or smartphones. Now communications are instantaneous, huge amounts of information move through email and the Internet and powerful tools are in the hands of owners and employees. Innovations in technology have improved operations at companies of all sizes and helped turn small local businesses into global businesses† says the Houston Chronicle. This shows that the use of technology has had a huge impact on how businesses run, causing a huge increase in economy growth. One other example of an advantage in technology is it has boosted entertainment through games and computer programs. â€Å"Videogame systems such as Nintendo’s Wii and Microsoft’s X-Box have created a boom in at-home gaming. With the growing popularity of smartphone applications, games can now be played almost anywhere.The upside for consumers? They get easy, convenient access to an enormous variety of entertainment, all available whenever they want it. Movie lovers can rent a movie for $1 from their local Redbox during a trip to the grocery store or stream a movie directly through their TV using Netflix or Apple TV. Music fans can listen to their favorite band’s album online while trading digital files of songs with friends† says contributor Elizabeth Blackwell. This shows that technology really has boosted entertainment for people, for the better. We have games, movies, and music right at our fingertips with the touch of a button. I’m sure everyone is not near as bored as they were decades ago! In conclusion, technology truly has changed our lives for the better with all of its amazing advanages. From computers, to phones, to brilliant machines, we’ve got it all! Maybe one day robots will walk with us on earth. If the rapid growth of technology continues, who knows? Anything is possible.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Candide by Voltaire Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Candide by Voltaire - Essay Example These events are highlighted in the as the author tries to depict the evil in the society. Voltaire needed to highlight that Candide’s society needed critical reforms. This paper will highlight the significance of the battlefield and the earthquake in terms of social identity. In chapter three, Voltaire describes the battlefield in Bulgars. Candide witnessed the adverse effects caused by war. He was there when two armies harmoniously arranged themselves with music that Voltaire describes, as â€Å"hell itself had never heard† (Voltaire 10). The satirical manner in which Voltaire describes the war speaks volumes about the attitudes of the society. The men in the army used cannons and bayonets to slay the people. In a few seconds, Candide witnessed over 30,000 people killed in the war. Both the kings of the armies were desperate to win the war. Therefore, they expected the soldiers to murder more people. Candide was unable to bear with the reality of the situation. He sought to move away from the battlefield and be able to reflect on both the causes and the effects of the war. He highlights that he saw many dead bodies as well as other people on the verge of death. He witnessed the desperation with which men saw their wives and children die. Even in death, women held firmly to their children. It is unfortunate that the Bulgarian heroes also raped the women. The scene was devastating and Candide had never witnessed such evil. Without a doubt, there were no justifiable reasons for the war. The two kings needed to enjoy the glory of winning a war without any noble causes. Unfortunately, the war led to the death of over 30,000 innocent people. Evidently, the society of the Bulgars needed redemption, so that they can restore peace. The society needed reforms if it were to maintain peace and avoid war (9). Candide reflection on the causes and effects of the war demonstrates that the society had to calculate the cost of the war and face the

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Family Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Family Law - Essay Example The professional license itself would not have separate value. However, if the license was acquired during the marriage to the other partner’s detriment, the court would likely seek to equalize the benefit accrued to the licensed partner. The court has adopted the rules pertaining to the dissolution of business partnership to apply to the division and distribution of property in divorce cases. See Gussin v. Gussin, 73 Haw. 470, 483–84, 836 P.2d 484, 481 (1992). â€Å"Under general partnership law, each partner is entitled to be repaid his contributions to the partnership property, whether made by way of capital or advances.† Tougas v. Tougas, 76 Hawai‘i 19, 27, 868 P.2d 437, 445 (1994) (internal quotation marks and citation omitted). Then, absent â€Å"agreement to the contrary, ‘partners share equally in the profits of their partnership, even though they may have contributed unequally to capital or services.’ â€Å" Id. (quoting Gardner v. G ardner, 8 Haw.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Marketing Major Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Marketing Major - Essay Example The market gap represents signs of potential success. The product is mainly targeted to three segments, namely the youth, professionals who have a tendency to eat convenient food and health-conscious people who survive on a healthy diet. The product is being positioned in the market as a healthy one which is supreme to its competitors on account of taste and quality. The target consumers lie in the age group of 16-24 and 26-45 mainly so a wide range of media support has been devised. For instance, radio and television has been mainly used to target all the age group on account of their popularity. On the other hand social media like facebook and LinkedIn has been used for promoting the product launch among the youth and young professionals. Magazines like The Economist have been used to communicate with the young professionals. Fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) include a variety of products which are sold at low prices and their sale occurs relatively faster. The target market for FMCG is quite vast but proper segmentation of the market and adding value to the customers are formidable challenges for any FMCG company. According to the traditional definition FMCG goods can be described as goods which are purchased very frequently. These goods are generally sold in large volume in order to generate profits for the companies which produce them. These goods are priced relatively lower compared to consumer durable goods and are perishable generally. These goods can include a wide range of items like soft drinks, toiletries, packed food items and chocolate bars to name a few. The shelf-life of the products is relatively lower for which they are manufactured in large quantities to compensate for the small price. The FMCG sector is a key component of the U.K. economy and accounts for 10% of the GDP of the country a nd 20% of the entire market (The Statistics Portal, 2014). The food and beverages sector is one of

Timeline Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Timeline - Essay Example Ferguson. This case declared that laws which created separate, but equal schools for black and white students, unconstitutional (McBride, 2006). 1964 - Civil Rights Act – This is legislation that outlawed discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex or national origin. It ended racial segregation in schools, in the workplace and in facilities (Whalen, 1985). 1971 – Sawnn v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education – The court ruled that when finding ways to handle the issue of illegal segregation in schools assigning students to bussing was legal (Mickelson, 2001, p. 215-252). 2003 – Grutter v. Bollinger – This case upheld affirmative action in education as long as there was a â€Å"highly individualized, holistic review of each applicant’s file† and in which race was not considered (Cornell University Law School, n.d.). The consequences of each of these cases eventually lead to total desegregation in the United States. As the timeline shows, with each case, the laws became more and more open to equality among the races. In terms of schools and children, there is now no desegregation and schools are racially diverse as well as the transportation to those schools. Students from any race are allowed to attend their public neighborhood school without issue thanks to the people who pursued these cases. Epstein,  L., & Knight,  J. (2001). Piercing the veil: William j. brennans account of regents of the university of california v. bakke. Yale Law & Policy Review, 19(2), 341-379. Retrieved from Mickelson,  R.  A. (2001). Subverting swann: First and second generation segregation in the charlotte-mecklenburg schools. American Educational Research Journal, 38(2), 215-252.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Grant proposal presentation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Grant proposal presentation - Essay Example It will be a pilot project. It proposes to teach the Police Department Personnel the Spanish language, idiomatic terms, non-verbal communication, culture, traditions, history, and customs. Pending on the results of this pilot project future funding may be sought through philanthropists, state and federal grants, and corporations. The teachers for this pilot project will be Hispanic from the Hispanic communities that not only know the language but also know the idiosyncrasies that, in general, are pertinent to the Hispanic communities and the countries they come from. The Police Department personnel will be randomly selected given that the Hispanic when in need, when taken to headquarters, when interrogated this personnel will need to be sensitive, sensible, and willing and able to communicate, to obtain the best results. A change in the interaction between these two groups needs to be reinforced positively. The duration of the Project will be an intensive six months. The classes will meet Monday through Friday from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. The Police Department Personnel will have a reduced workload to support the participants involved in this pilot project. Classes – The Spanish classes will be using a new concept. It will teach the grammar of the Spanish language. The domains for the target language will be: Listening skills, the students will respond to nuances by unfamiliar speakers. The students will also demonstrate comprehension of instructions; Speaking skills, the students will present solutions to problems from a cross cultural perspective. The students, for example, will actively participate in the class and present their given situation (arresting, interrogating, filling out reports, directing people to the accurate places). Reading skills, the students will verify the information that is graphically presented and confirm the information. The students will demonstrate, for example, given a short article to

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Critical evaluation of the UK governments' reforming the law of Essay

Critical evaluation of the UK governments' reforming the law of company charge registration - Essay Example The term security interest is used in two different contexts including consensual security, which exists through contractual agreement and legal security, which exists by operation of the law. A further classification breaks the term into quasi security and real security whereby the real security is about the grant of an interest through security while quasi security is concerned with gaining of recourse against some form of proprietary interest rather than through a grant (BIS, 2011). Some of these issues were addressed by the common law based on estoppels principles and the rule in Dearle v Hal, though none of them was successful. This problem only became manageable following introduction of registration systems, which were enshrined under the Bills of Sale Acts in respect to individuals as well as Company Acts (Secured transactions in securitizations, 2009). Nevertheless, these registers could not meet the radically changing commercial environment. One of the areas that have cause d numerous problems recently includes the recognition of the consumer debtor. Although several consumer credit laws have been enacted to regulate such debtors, the major problems that have been presented in the business sector have not been surmounted, yet the Companies Act 2006 has not done enough to address the problem (McCormack, 2009). The evolution and early regulation of security Before the industrial revolution, the English economy was mostly dominated by agricultural economy which was particularly practiced in the rural areas. By then, security of interest was primarily concerned with the possession of instruments of promise and the lien was only concerned with forms of security interest that were accepted. Actually, the major way of marking the passage of property was through transfer of possession. By then, the main method of exchange was barter since the coinage had not been established. Therefore, the era, which was technologically challenged, was only left with physical dominance of property through possession as the only real way of expressing implicit ownership of property. In this system, passage of ownership through contract was unheard of since the property transfer was via physical delivery or rather the assumption of possession. From the modern perceptive, this form of description is unacceptable since it is not recognized in the legal and the economic model in which the society is based. Furthermore, if the legal system were to be entirely based upon possessory principles, then the commercial activities which are premised upon a liberally existing exchange of goods and services would be fundamentally frustrated. However, proprietary assignments in England have been recognized through possessory concepts which existed until the mid-nineteenth century (Birds, 2007). Notably, had the promissory rules remained unchecked, the modern industrialized economy could not have reached its current evolved status, which is fueled by a free supply of cre dit. Furthermore the economic growth could not have been achieved were it not for checking the susceptibility of possessory security interest. The severance of title and

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Crisis Management unit 2 Complete Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Crisis Management unit 2 Complete - Case Study Example BP also lacked proper mechanism in terms of the procedure and interpretation of the results for the negative pressure tests and hence even when they detected the pressure on the drill pipes, they assumed it was false negative and the presence of pressure indicated there was a leak and the seal had not been well secured. This eventually fueled the fire which led to casualties and the spill of crude oil in the Gulf of Mexico and ultimate loss to the BP Company, the Cameron International, Transocean and the government (Crandall, Parnell and Spillan, 2009). The latest news about the BP explosion is that The BP engineer who was overseeing the safety and all other activities in the oil rig will be the first to be prosecuted and he will be taking the blame for the accident (Thompson and Galofaro, 2013). This is scapegoating as the accident was created by the neglect of several people and not only the engineer. The management should also be charged as being solely responsible as well and not take the engineer as a sacrificial lamb in the accident that not only cause massive damage but deaths as well. The Deepwater Horizon accident was associated more with faulty process safety culture than with cost cutting. BP had used a lot of money in the process and due to fall back in the schedule, had incurred an additional $58 million not budgeted for. This however is not the reason that caused the accident. As explained in the summary above, BP overlooked some of the safety procedures required to seal of the BOP in order to ensure no gas leaks that could easily be ignited and cause a fire. The BOP had earlier on (a few weeks before) been slightly damaged but no action for repair or even mere inspection was carried out once funny and suspicious rubber pieces were found in the oil. They also overlooked the fact that in order to completely seal the BOP, they had to use 21 centralizers. They had only six and instead of waiting for the rest to arrive, they decided to use those six. During the negative pressure test, when they discovered pressure being released, they termed it as a false negative pressure reading and the pressure seeped with the gas through the not completely sealed BOP and it was ignited causing the fire and the complete destruction of BOP which was slightly destroyed hence causing the oil spill. The strategy BP undertook of ignoring the safety precautions and instructions standards set and the management providing instructions that overlooked the danger is what led to the crisis. On realization of the looming crisis whose signs were eminent for all to see, BP would have formed a crisis team to handle the situation but nothing of the sort was done. Since the management had the power, authority and mandate to make final decisions concerning the running of the whole process, their word concerning the crisis was final and their decision carried out. Their neglectful and rush decisions are what majorly contributed to the accident. The first of the steps is to appoint and empower a safety precaution and investigation team which would be mandated to carry out safety checks as regularly as possible. Next would be to work hand in hand with the employees opening up direct communication with them so that in case of any faults in the rig or any other

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

History and Theory two - buildings in context Essay

History and Theory two - buildings in context - Essay Example The connection between the British excavations in Greece in the end of 18th century and in the beginning of 19th century and the architecture of British Museum building is not easy to make out for a contemporary onlooker. But still this connection is a simple instance of contextuality in which a building, any building, is immersed. Contextuality The example given above, of the contextuality of architecture draws attention to the question, how we understand a building. It is difficult to decide to what extent, a building fulfills the functional needs of its users and to what extent it simply represents aesthetics, prevailing architectural norms and possibilities, historical and social perceptions, and the patterns of a visual culture. To be more close to reality, a building has to be viewed as a product of its historical and contemporary contexts. Moore has put this concept as, â€Å"buildings have become such an integral part of our cultural existence that it is hard to think of the m as something separate from our Self.†7 To describe this phenomenon in a more academic language, Moore has said â€Å"the patterns and meanings associated with the built environment reflect fundamental cultural concepts uniquely shaped by particular societies at specific times.†8 Types When a building is classified, under a stylistic type like classical Greek or Gothic or Victorian, it involves a tendency of reductionism- to see a building as a product of design alone. But when an attempt is made to move away from the perception of architecture as purely a visual form, a new mode of classification has to be adopted based on types that derive from the functions or activities that happen in and around a building. This is where actually the historic and contemporary context gains importance. This is to accept that we can understand a building by understanding how its relates to the society around it. For example, there can be types such as domestic buildings, religious bu ildings, governmental buildings, recreational buildings, commercial buildings, industrial buildings, welfare service buildings, educational buildings, health service buildings, prison buildings, military buildings and so on. Here, architecture is defined and explained based on its functional use. A prison building ought to have a design based on its security needs and an army building requires a style based on the needs of discipline. As the concept about law and order, human rights and crime and punishment change over time, the design of a prison building is bound to change. In a similar way, â€Å"with the raising of the school leaving age to 11 in 1893 and 12 in 1899, schools had to accommodate more and more pupils, and the later schools were even larger in scale and designed in a more elaborate manner.†9 This is why it is observed that architecture can be understood as

Monday, July 22, 2019

CanGo Essay Example for Free

CanGo Essay Issue 1: No clear strategy for expansion CanGo has had its success, and now they are looking into the future. Their question is, â€Å"What’s going to help them grow?† and as Liz said, â€Å"Turn them into a mighty oak.† CanGo recognizes that branching out and delving into new territory will be profitable and its popular with investors since they’re thinking of going for an IPO. The possibilities of adding e-books, streaming audio and video is hip but they also recognize that the online gaming industry is on the cutting edge for growth. With all of the brainstorming ideas CanGo has they do recognize there’s a scarcity of resources such as capital and people. Recommendation: The management team at CanGo is full of ideas related to expanding its product line. Liz has mentioned the possibility of E-books, music and video, and Andrew suggests online gaming. Expansion is just one topic, as the company is considering offering IPO (initial public offering). The brass is contemplating major decisions without professional guidance. The employees will soon be asked to juggle more responsibilities, without the appropriate resources. CanGo should seek additional consultation specific to the objectives it wants to achieve. In addition, the company must consider the risk and where to allocate resources to be maximize profit. Furthermore, there will have to be some degree of advertising and marketing to generate interests. CanGo feels that the best way to handle new ventures is to use in-house employees. Pulling employees from jobs they are already doing will no doubt take away from quality. We recommend that Warren and Liz take into consideration the opportunity cost of expanding at this time. Will the benefits outweigh the cost of expanding. Issue 2: No capital for expansion CanGo must consider how to combine its limited resources to produce the best mix of goods and services. A cost-benefit analysis will help them measure the cost and the benefits correctly. They will need to think about two types of analysis (1) Marginal Analysis and (2) Cost-Benefit Analysis. Recommendation: Performing a marginal analysis will examine how the costs and benefits change in response to their incremental changes in actions. Any additional action that CanGo does will bring about additional cost so, type of analysis will determine if the expected benefits of their actions exceed the added cost. It was mentioned casually that the only source of capital as an IPO. This point was expounded upon by the poor sandwiches being provided. I don’t think Warren made the comment to be rude, but to illustrate the point that financial capitol is limited – especially in terms of expansion. CanGo is generating interest in its industry and community. The time is ripe to offer an initial public offering. CanGo needs professional guidance in analyzing what is value and assess the possibilities of an IPO. It may consider taking advantage of its success in Japan. CanGo’s IPO does not have to be confined to its locality; it has to start thinking international in scope. Its popularity in Japan alone may generate the capitol necessary to expand in product, personnel, and infrastructure.

Citric Acid Essay Example for Free

Citric Acid Essay Introduction Soft drinks contain acid and sugar. These substances contribute to tooth decay and therefore are a cause for concern. In the first part of the investigation well measure the acidity in blackcurrant juice. Labels on black currant juice drinks usually state citric acid is present in the drink, but it doesnt give you the amount of how much it contains. Dilutable soft drinks contain between 0. 15 2. 5% of citric acid research by The British Drinks Association and therefore the second part of the experiment would be to determine the concentrations of blackcurrant juice in the diluted samples. Investigation 1: Measure the acidity of the blackcurrant juice drink In order to measure the acidity of the blackcurrant juice, Ill titrate black current juice with 0. 1mol of sodium hydroxide and use a pH meter to measure its pH. Technique The technique of this experiment is titration. It is a method of chemical analysis, which is used to determine the volume of concentration needed to react with an unknown solution. Equipments needed for titration: Burette   Conical Flask   Clamp Technique of using titration method: The measurement on the burette (cm3) tells you how much solution you have poured into the substance. This is useful to find the amount of solution needed to balance with the substance. At the end of the burette, there is a small tap that allows you to control the amount of solution needed to pour into the substance. It is important to be accurate on the amount you want to put in. Therefore, right timing and quick reaction is the key skill to this experiment. There are two ways of measuring the pH: pH indicator and pH meter. pH Indicator: A pH indicator is a chemical compound. It shows the pH changes in the substance by changing its colour when added. Different indicators have different colour. They only change its colour when a certain pH is reached. pH meter: A pH meter is an electronic machine used to measure the pH in liquids. It has a special measuring probe called the glass electrode connected to the electronic meter. It will then measure and display the pH reading. Because the black current juice is darkly coloured, therefore pH indicator would not be the most suitable method for this experiment. Im going to use a pH meter for this experiment. The Science Many of the soft drinks contain acids. It is use to balance the sweetness of the sugar present in the drinks. Citric Acid is one of the most common acid uses in soft drinks. Soft drink Blackcurrant juice contains: Water, Sugar, Glucose Fructose Syrup (from wheat and maize), Blackcurrant Juice from Concentrate (4%), Citric Acid, Vitamin C, Preservatives (Sodium Benzoate, Sodium Bisulphate) and Colour (Anthocyanins) Citric Acid Citric Acid is an organic acid. We can find it from citrus fruits such as lemon and orange. It is added to soft drinks to create an acidic taste (sourness). Citric Acid also helps preserve drinks from micro-organism because of its acidity. Micro-organism can only grow and multiply in neutral condition. The reaction between Sodium Hydroxide and Citric acid: The following equation shows the reaction of whats happening during the neutralisation reaction between Citric Acid and Sodium Hydroxide: Citric Acid + Sodium Hydroxide Sodium citrate + Water C6H8O7 + 3NaOH C6H8O7Na3+ 3H2O From the equation above we have worked out 1 mole of citric acid reacts with 3 moles of sodium hydroxide (1:3 ratios). Graph Demonstration. Strong and Weak Acids Acids are vary in strength. The strength of an acid is based on the number of Hydrogen ions in the atom. Strong acids: Strong acids have a strong proclivity to donate Hydrogen+ ions. All of the strong acids such as hydrochloric acid, Sulphric acid and Nitric acid are all 100% ionised in water. This mean all the strong acid would dissolve the reaction is fully complete and no unreacted substance remains in the solution. Weak acids: Weak acids have a weak tendency to donate Hydrogen+ ions. The donation of hydrogen+ ions does not dissociate completely.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Case study of a man with parkinsons disease

Case study of a man with parkinsons disease Mr Henderson has arrived in hospital after a history of falls at home and has just commenced a new medication regime. It is very possible that he may be anxious, worried, frightened as a result of falling at home which also may result in loss of confidence. He may also be apprehensive about his new medication regime. Having been diagnosed with Parkinsons for 5 years, he more than likely knowns the importance of getting his medications on time, in reducing the symptoms allowing him to maximise his independence. However, it is not for the nurse to presume this and she/he must sit down, talk to him, allowing him time to talk and express his worried and anxieties. This was help to establish a relationship and Mr Henderson will understand that you are there to support him throughout his journal of care. The nurse should also make sure that all members of the multidisciplinary team are aware of Mr Hendersons condition and if they are not aware of the importance of getting medication on time out with normal drug rounds then they should be informed of its importance and understand the significant consequenc es resulting from not getting the drugs on time such as reduced independence and prolonged hospital stay. As medications are a large part in maximising independence and mobility and it may be suggested that Mr Henderson receives his medications before getting out of bed in the morning. This will allow time for the drugs to work and therefore enabling him to get out of bed more easily. Freezing, a symptom of Parkinsons disease can be distressing for patients. It affects gait initiation, turning and moving through small spaces, such a doors and busy areas. Anxiety can exacerbate freezing and it is vital that the nurse can firstly recognise anxiety, this may be achieve through effective communication and listening skills and secondly developing strategies to reduce anxiety levels such as allowing him time to talk, listening and taking on board his expressions allowing for a trusting relationship to be developed, helping him to build in confidence and preparing him psychologically for going home. Various strategies have been suggested to assist with freezing. Alexander, Fawcett and Runicnan (2006) suggest cognitive techniques in breaking down movement. They suggest breaking down the task of getting out of bed in the morning and describe that patients should bend their knees so that feet are flat on the mattress and they the patient should swing knees in the direction that he wants to turn. The next stage involves clasping both hands and lifting them straight up, straightening the elbows, then turning the head and swinging the arms in the same direction as the legs. Finally the patient can grip the edge of the mattress and adjust his position until comfortable. When Mr Henderson is mobilising then it is important that he does not have any distractions and the nurse or other members of staff should not disturb or interrupt if at all possible as this could lead to freezing. The Parkinsons Disease Society describe cueing strategies as external meaning visual, auditory or preprioceptive or internal meaning cognitive. Visual cues could be stepping over a cue in the floor, for example tape can be placed on the floor in strips to help initiate in confined spaces when freezing has taken place. Tape can also be placed on the edges of stairs. Mr Henderson may also find useful to imagine he is taking steps up stairs and this may prompt movement. The nurse should ensure that the area is clutter free and this can exacerbate freezing. Auditory cues as the name suggests would indicate sound used to enhance movement. Metronomes have been described as a useful tool in support gait initiation. Counting out rhythms or singing and walking in time to this can be beneficial. Proprioceptive cues which means taking a step back before starting to walk; rocking gently from side to side or marching on the stop before stepping. The nurse should ask Mr Henderson if he has experienced falls in the past year and frequency, obtaining as much information as possible about the falls, this can form part of the patients assessment namely a Falls Risk Assessment. Nice (2004) provides clinical guidance on falls risk assessment and suitable referrals should be initiated to the physiotherapist who will help to improve balance and the occupational therapist can help to make Mr Hendersons home safer place to live by attending a home visit and suggesting suitable aids that can improve safety, maximising independence. One of the most devastating consequences of falling in older people is a fractured neck of femur which can have significant impact on independence and quality of life. The nurse may suggest to Mr Henderson about wearing a hip protector, this again can improve confidence and also help to protect the hip if her were to fall. A full explanation as to why this is being suggested should be provided allowing for in formed choice. Falls can be as a result of loss of balance and posture, freezing, only being able to take small steps, or dyskinesia and it is important to use techniques such as cues to minimise the risk of falls. Also physiotherapy input will help with exercise, improving balance and posture. Multidisciplinary collaborating is essential in proving effective care. The nurse can find out what strategies are being taught to Mr Henderson and the nurse can encourage continuation of these exercises within the ward environment. It is important to continue to communicate with Mr Henderson allowing for evaluation in care and understanding what strategies are working and ones that are not. Once evaluated alternative strategies may be considered. Postural hypotension should be monitored/assessed for patients with Parkinsons as this increases the risk of falls as a result of dizziness or fainting in the drop in blood pressure. The patient should be supine for at least 10 minutes before taking a supine blood pressure reading. Then another reading should be taken within 3minutes of him standing up from the supine position. The nurse should be aware the dizziness the patient may experience when standing up should be standing next to him when she does the reading. If there is a significant fall in systolic blood pressure, by 20mmHg or goes below 90mmHg then this would indicate that the person has postural hypotension. Strategies can be adopted to improve the deficit before considering pharmacological methods such as recommending gradual compression stockings to improve venous return and therefore blood pressure. For them to work efficiently they much be measured and fitted to ensure the correct pressure is applied to the legs and ensuring that Mr Henderson is achieving recommended fluid intake of 1500-2000ml per day. If Mr Henderson is in a bay of beds for example 6 beds, then his location within the room should be considered in relation to the toilet. The bed should be relatively close to the toilet, if his fluid intake perhaps is being increased then frequency to micturate will potentially be increased. Mr Henderson is experiencing reduced mobility then bed position should be definitely considered to minimise the risk of unnecessary bowel or bladder incontinence. A commode may be considered and placed discretely closer to his bed for the evening or provision of urine bottles and buzzer placed in a position that is easily available. Appropriate footwear should be consider, the nurse should ensure that the are well fitted and not falling off increasing the risk of falls. The nurse should also check his feet or ensure there are no problems such as ingrown toe nails or blisters. The nurse should also ensure that Mr Hendersons vision is examined or glasses should be worn at all times if required as this could result in unnecessary falls. 1299 words Parkinsons Disease Question 2b Within the substantia nigra and basal ganglia there is progressive degeneration of cells which produce the neurotransmitter dopamine. The substantia nigra is a strip of dark pigmented cells located in the midbrain and the basal ganglia are collections of nerve cells located in near the base of the cerebrum. When motor impluses are initiated in the motor cortex, they need to be modified by the basal ganglia and substantia nigra by modifying motor activity, posture and making fine adjustments to movement. This is contained within the extrapyramid motor system and within the system there is normally a fine balance of neurotransmitters dopamine and acytylcholine. Dopamine is inhabitory and acytylcholine is excitatory. Due to the reduction in dopamine there is excess of the excitory neurotransmitter acytlecholine resulting in excitable muscle tone and the symptoms associated with Parkinsons disease. Mr Hendersons has begun a new medication regime using co-careldopa used to regain and maintain the balance between dopamine and acytlecholine. Dopamine cannot be given on its own as it will fail to cross the blood-brain barrier (BBB). The BBB is a physiological barrier that prevents substances from getting across from the blood stream and into the brain. Instead of dopamine, the drug levadopa is used which can cross the blood brain barrier and is then converted into dopamine. The dopamine then acts on dopamine receptors in the extrapyraminal motor system to maintain the neurotransmitter balance and therefore control the Parkinsons disease symptoms. When levadopa is administered it is broken down in the gut and liver by an enzyme called dopa decarboxylase, therefore combined with levadopa is a drug that inhibits the enzyme from breaking down levadopa is used which will lengthen the effects of levadopa meaning that less drug is required. This drug is called dopa decarboxylase inhibitor (cardidopa) This combination of levadopa can be provided as a preparation of one drug called co-careldopa or Sinemet (the brand name) There may be side effect such as nausea and vomiting, postural fall in blood pressure, constipation, and red stained urine. Mr Henderson must be made made aware of these side-effects and should inform the nurses when he is experiencing them. Domperidone can be used as an anti-emetic to stop the side-effects of nausea and vomitting. Blood pressure should be monitored for signs of postural hypotension and if required a medication review may be required, the nurse may ask the patient not to sit up or stand up too quickly. Parkinsons Disease 2c

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Chinese and Japanese Immigrants and the California Dream Essays

In the 1850’s, Chinese immigrants began entering California in search of gold and the California dream. They had heard that California was the new frontier, a frontier that would provide them with the opportunity for economic riches. Young and ambitious, many of these Chinese immigrants quickly married in their homeland and set out for the gold rush, promising to return (with wealth). Likewise, in the 1880s, when the state of California was undergoing rapid economic transformation, Japanese immigrants — just as young and ambitious as their Chinese counterparts — set out for America where they had heard the streets were â€Å"paved with gold.† But little did these Chinese and Japanese immigrants know that what they would discover in California would not be gold and riches, nor wealth and opportunity, but a hostile land that would accept them as half-humans and treat them as slaves. In the end, faced with systematic oppression, societal discrimination, racis t laws, and outright violence, these immigrants would be forced to inhabit various ethnic enclaves and communities to protect themselves from the dominant culture that would eventually strip them of their identity, sexuality, and family. In essence, they would be stripped of all the building blocks of a true community. Immigration In 1852, attracted by the discovery of gold, more than 20,000 Chinese immigrants passed through the San Francisco Customs House to the gold fields in the Sierra Nevada foothills. Between 1867 and 1870, partly in response to recruitment efforts by the Central Pacific Railroad Company, which was building the western section of the first transcontinental railroad, some additional 10,000 poured into California (Chan 1991). The added presence of so ma... ...g how far removed from the Californian dream of wealth and well-being Asian immigrants had become. References Book, S. W. (1976). The Chinese in Butte County, California, 1860–1920. San Francisco: R and E Research Associates. Chan, S. (1991). Asian Americans: An interpretive history. New York: Twayne Publishers. Cole, C. L. (1973). A history of the Japanese community in Sacramento, 1883–1972. Diss. California State University, Sacramento. Gillenkrik, J. and Motlow, J. (1987). Bitter melon: Inside America’s last rural Chinese town. Berkeley: Heyday books. Lukes, T. J. and Okihiro, G. Y. (1985). Japanese legacy. California History Center. Matsui, S. (1919). Economic aspects of the Japanese situation in California. Diss. University of California at Berkeley. Nee, V. G. and Nee, B. D. (1974). Longtime Californ’. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Animal Farm: Character Analysis Of Napoleon :: Animal Farm Essays

Animal Farm: Character Analysis of Napoleon by George Orwell "Napoleon was a large rather fierce looking Berkshire boar," that was spoiled and always got his way. He was the only pig of the kind on the farm. Napoleon was a great rival to Snowball. Snowball was very outspoken while Napoleon was very secretive and did not talk much. Napoleon and Snowball prepare for the Rebellion in a very similar manner, and have many goals alike. Old Major's vision was important to both Napoleon and Snowball and develop his ideas into a plan. The society was to be set-up after the Rebellion. Napoleon's plan benefits himself while Snowball's are benefiting to all the animals. After the Rebellion Napoleon takes charge of the milk and the apples, at this time the plan that benefits him is put into action. Napoleon does not take part in the activities for the animals. As part of Napoleon's plan he disagrees with Snowball on most of the issues. Napoleon is a secretive plotter that works behind the scenes and someday plans to eliminate Snowball as a rival. For example he secretly trained the guard dogs in secret, keeping them completely hidden from view. Napoleon was also very good at developing support for his ideas, after meetings he would talk to the other animals one on one and "psychologically brainwash" them. He is very kiniving in his ways to get more power and is always trying to discredit and undermine the other animals. One time he urinated on Snowball's plans for the windmill. Napoleon's sense of timing is keen and this is very useful is his quest for more power. At just the right time he implies that Snowball's teachings are not beneficial to the other animals. Then the time comes when Napoleon has to carry out the rest of his plan, getting rid of Snowball. But by the time the animals realize what is going on Napoleon has taken control and is ready for any objections. Napoleon eventually gains total power and symbolizes a despotic ruler. In this book Napoleon represents "Stalin and his counterpart in the Russian Revolution. Napoleon always has to have the best produce, best quarters, whiskey, and clothing. He distracts the other animals from the fact that he is modifying the original Animal Farm visions. He ruthlessly kills anyone who protests his

The Cayman Islands :: essays research papers

Part I - The Question   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When I was 18, my family took a trip to Cancun for Spring Break. I absolutely loved the beaches and palm trees, the white sand, hot sun and blue waves. Ever since then I have had a real passion for tropical islands. My favorite and perhaps the most beautiful Islands I’ve researched are the Cayman Islands. I’ve only seen pictures and heard stories but I’ve already decided that’s where I am getting married. I still however, don’t know anything about the islands. My love for these islands and my thirst for knowledge on the topic has driven me to do more research and find out the history behind the Cayman Islands. I want to know everything about them, so far the only thing I know is that there are three islands, Grand Cayman, Cayman Brac, and Little cayman. I would like to know more. I am hoping to learn about the early development of the islands, the people, growth, tropical climate and environment. I am doing this purely for my own reference and curiosity. Part II - Research   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I began researching for this paper online because it was easy for me to use and a lot faster than looking up information in text books, and it’s a lot more accurate and up-to-date. Immediately I found about a hundred web sites worth printing. After scrolling through page after page, site after site I realized I had barely scratched the surface, so I decided to pick the ones with the most promising titles and print them all. Then I began the tedious task of sifting through all those papers until I found the best ones. I think I ended up with about six different sites, all on different things about the islands. One of the best ones was about the history of the Cayman Islands, I found this to be the most factual. Another good one mostly was about the Geography and Geology of the islands. The rest of them were mainly about visiting the islands, the discovery of the islands, touring the islands and comparing and contrasting the three islands.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  After this I went to the Jackson Community College Learning Center and read through books and Encyclopedias about Cayman Islands but I found most of these to have the same information as my web sites, but not as good. I found a few pictures and maps that were helpful in my own understanding of the islands, unfortunately they wouldn’t be much help with my paper. The Cayman Islands :: essays research papers Part I - The Question   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When I was 18, my family took a trip to Cancun for Spring Break. I absolutely loved the beaches and palm trees, the white sand, hot sun and blue waves. Ever since then I have had a real passion for tropical islands. My favorite and perhaps the most beautiful Islands I’ve researched are the Cayman Islands. I’ve only seen pictures and heard stories but I’ve already decided that’s where I am getting married. I still however, don’t know anything about the islands. My love for these islands and my thirst for knowledge on the topic has driven me to do more research and find out the history behind the Cayman Islands. I want to know everything about them, so far the only thing I know is that there are three islands, Grand Cayman, Cayman Brac, and Little cayman. I would like to know more. I am hoping to learn about the early development of the islands, the people, growth, tropical climate and environment. I am doing this purely for my own reference and curiosity. Part II - Research   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I began researching for this paper online because it was easy for me to use and a lot faster than looking up information in text books, and it’s a lot more accurate and up-to-date. Immediately I found about a hundred web sites worth printing. After scrolling through page after page, site after site I realized I had barely scratched the surface, so I decided to pick the ones with the most promising titles and print them all. Then I began the tedious task of sifting through all those papers until I found the best ones. I think I ended up with about six different sites, all on different things about the islands. One of the best ones was about the history of the Cayman Islands, I found this to be the most factual. Another good one mostly was about the Geography and Geology of the islands. The rest of them were mainly about visiting the islands, the discovery of the islands, touring the islands and comparing and contrasting the three islands.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  After this I went to the Jackson Community College Learning Center and read through books and Encyclopedias about Cayman Islands but I found most of these to have the same information as my web sites, but not as good. I found a few pictures and maps that were helpful in my own understanding of the islands, unfortunately they wouldn’t be much help with my paper.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Management Qualification Case Study Essay

Dear Amanda, as you know so many start-up small businesses like yours and often run in to the trouble of mismanagement because of so many assumptions based on establishing the business mission, vision statements; human resource management; lack of employee motivation; lack of properly defined working standards for employees and other outcomes measurable; not taking any concern of negative information about the organization especially from the clients which costs the organizations image and remaining too busy to pay attention to the establishment of problem solutions, lack of equity among employees and lack of proper follow up on the employees work. All these are consolidated in the four functions of management which are organizing, planning, controlling and directing. As the manager of Smith accounting and Tax service business, you I acknowledge the fact that you had the right qualifications and had a good start as you identified an opportunity to expand your business and did just like that of (Gronkiewicz, & Churchill, 2006). Your work is commendable however, the most important part of overseeing the business is what you put aside with the aim of acquiring more clients and make more returns. Planning is quite important for any business regardless if it is large or small. This is because all functions associated with management fall under planning and lack of planning is planning to fail (Guzzle, 2011). On one part of the business, the management was good because upon realizing that and expansion opportunity was available you seized the opportunity and announced  interviews for qualified professionals which was quite successful. However, the fact that Lisa was responsible for the interviews is quite a failure. This is because it is clear from your case that Lisa had not qualifications in the field of accounting and taxation. She may have been quite alright in picking the best and most competent employees from their application documents but this does not mean that your presence should not have made a difference (Rane, 2007).This clearly indicates that even though your company knew what they wanted to seize the expansion opportunity, there was lack of human resource planning which is clearly evident in the underestimation of the job description, job design, selection and recruitment. It is true Lisa had worked with you for some time and was doing great but there was no reason for the owner of the business to have little or no time for new employees during their interviews yet she is the one who knew what she needed most (Buzzle, 2011). The success of the interviews was yet another source of planning because, dear Amanda you came to believe that Lisa was competent enough to handle duties requiring your attention even without. This made your schedule too tight for responsibilities that you and only you could handle hence poor time management that found you too busy to have valuable time to provide guidance and management direction concerning the works of the other of your employees (Rane, 2007). I am glad you identified your failure before it was too late as with right planning of your time as the manager, and with such a dedicated assistance such as Lisa, planning your time to suit all your responsibilities with little or no delegation of powers is quite essential.Amanda, you and me agree that your business wants to go places in the future, but with the presence of conflicting interests and always delegated duties, chances are that the business will fail and the future remain doomed (Frankiewicz, & Churchill, 2006). So what is right to bring your business back on feet is to ensure that you deal with the present problems one after the other and promise your clients to expect even better services in future. Reassure your employees that their trust in your services is not in vain and  that you will work towards that by implementing proper time management leaving time even for emergency matters that may call for your attention even away from the day’s schedule. After the business is up, ensure you implement proper human resource planning, job design and description, selection and recruitment processes. Be there and let the new employees get to know who they will be working for and what is expected of them (Rane, 2007). Probably Lisa lacked the knowledge to tell them what was expected of them and which made even you to assume that you were dealing with intellectuals who understood their job well and would always give their best. Amanda, remember that planning for all businesses is ongoing. The reasons for my arguments are because the external and internal factors affecting your business aren’t constant. For instance in your case, it was only after four months in business that Lisa started receiving calls from unsatisfied clients (Frankiewicz, & Churchill, 2006). Despite the fact that these clients held the future of your business, you chose to ignore them and left Lisa to maneuver her way out in dealing with them. Clearly, Lisa isn’t qualified in that field and as a manager you delegated duties and locations to your newly employed accountants which mean Lisa was carrying the burden of another employee. Having received such calls from clients meant that you as the manager had to call an urgent meeting with the employee responsible and deal with the problem from that point on. However, you chose to depend on the mission and motto of the organization assuming that the zeal it brought to you was th e same given to everyone else (Rane, 2007). In such a case Amanda, a manager must always offer directions to the employees after assessing their work and performance. It is true that new clients were forthcoming as can be seen from the range of returns brought in by the employees, 100-175. However, the quality of services was way too far from what a business in need of a larger market share and a competitive advantage was after (Buzzle, 2011). Including directions in your management is important in a number of ways. First, all employees are prone to deviating from the business goals and objectives probably due to the pressure that comes with the work they are to do. However, this does not  mean you leave them to themselves to solve such problems. Instead, as a manager, there is need for constant provision of guidance and instructions geared towards achievement of the organizations goals and objectives. Lisa, your role as a manager should be offering directions and instructions and that is what is wanted. For Amanda who was your acquaintance at the initiation of the business, good work is always rewarded. However, the other new employees, despite working hard and bringing commendable results within the first taxation year, no rewards have been offered to them. Employee motivation is quite essential in employee performance (Rane, 2007). This is because having great qualifications for the job doesn’t mean that the client must always offer their best. Something must be done to make them feel as the most important part of the organization without the efforts of which the organization would not be where it is. Amanda, adopting directions or leadership in your management will provide influence to the employees as well as mould their behavior towards the attainment of the organizations goals and objectives. Additionally, this will serve as a guide to the employees towards the attainment of personal and career goals. Influencing the employees through employee motivation may include provision of incentives and other benefits and rewards to hard working employees (Frankiewicz, & Churchill, 2006). Additionally Amanda, with effective communications, the relationship between you and the employees is bond to improve for the better and this will work effectively in problem solving as problems will be discovered on time, discussed and efficient solutions achieved for the same. Your leadership efforts are appreciated in incorporating the Monday mornings for meetings to discuss individual progress. However, you leave out an important point of requiring knowing the challenges and the different problems being faced by the individuals in their working places. This s important in identifying areas of concern that affects all employees including yourself and searching for solutions to make your services of better quality and reliable. As a manager, you lacked control of your organization. Amanda this allows me to point out several occasions such experiences happened (Marcic, & Daft, 2010). For instance, despite employees being aware of their duties and responsibilities, you failed to provide them with standards. For companies such as yours where one is recognized by the number of new clients they bring in, it is easy for the employees to forget the other performance requirements like quality, timely and satisfactory services (Rane, 2007). This is what happened in your case as well, it was only after about four months of operations the newly acquired clients started complaining of poor services. Instead of depending on their qualifications, you should have insisted on an evaluation and job performance reporting session that would have provided the details of one’s work and how they meet organizations goals and objectives. This way you could have kept track of the performance of each employee for guidance and directions. Lastly Amanda, as a manager you should have been the best organizer for the company. By organization it means that everything should be done for a reason and everything done must be accounted for (Marcic, & Daft, 2010). Allocating employees to different locations was one step to organization but much needed to be done in terms of matching the input resources to the outcomes in terms of consumer satisfaction and company’s returns (Frankiewicz, & Churchill, 2006). Your workplace for one wasn’t organized since everything was left as the role of Lisa your assistance. This would have been probably the source of low motivation amongst employees to meet the organizations objectives in their services. I recommend that you as a manager handle all the personnel and resources in the most profitable way to your organization.This way, you gain respect, employees feel responsible for their actions and the workplace becomes something everyone longs to be in (Rane, 2007). bibliography Buzzle, (2011). Management concepts. retrieved on 14 Oct 2011 from Frankiewicz, C., & Churchill, C., (2006). Managing for improved

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Last Sacrifice Chapter Twenty-eight

I STOPPED BREATHING. WED each had our admit blankets, dummy up hitherto in the middle of summer, the temperature had dropped during the night. Dimitri, in his sleep, had rolled everyplace against me, merging our blankets into wholeness pile and resting his head on my chest. His physical structure correct against mine, warm and beaten(prenominal), and he yet snuggled a little closer.He was to a greater extent exhausted than Id signifi jakestized if he was doing this in his sleep. After comp permitely, this was the guy who slept with match slight eye open. merely his guard was shore now, his body unconsciously describeking what? sincere warmth? Me? Damn it. Why had I asked Sonya my question? Why couldnt I up tooshie up going with my easy role as Adrians girl relay transmitter and Dimitris friend? Be pay off h starstly, I wasnt doing a very pricey job at either star everyplacecompensate now.Tentatively, fear neary, I shifted slightly so that I could go unde r whizz arm or so Dimitri and musical com slipeuver him closer. I knew it was a risk, one that cogency wake him and demerit this spell. barely if it didnt. If whateverthing, he chew the fatmed to relax more. Feeling him a handle(p) that be presbyopicings him it churned up a swarm of emotions at bottom me. The ache I had matte up since his passage burned within me. At the equal time, holding him homogeneous this also let disclosemed to automobilery make sense forbidden of the closet that ache, as though a portion of me that had been missing was now restored. I hadnt up to now cognise that piece was missing. Id obturate it every last(predicate) bulge out until Sonyas realityner of addressing had shaken my filly new acceptance of smell.I dont bash how long I vexed like that with Dimitri. It was long enough that the rising cheer began to gain the tents clear fabric. That was all the light my eyeball take aimed to now see Dimitri, to see the finely carved lines of his typesetters case and murkiness of his whisker as he lay against me. I cherished so high-risk to touch that hair, to see if it felt like it utilise to. That was a silly sentiment, of course. His hair wouldnt birth changed. Still the urge was in that respect, and I finally gave in, gently running my fingers oer most stray locks. They were smooth and silky, and that barest touch sent chills with me. It also woke him up.His eye opened, importly alert. I expected him to attract over out side of meat from me, provided instead, he solely assessed the situationand didnt light upon. I left my grant w here it was on the side of his acquaint, stable shot his hair. Our glances locked, so untold passing in the midst of us. In those moments, I wasnt in a tent with him, on the run from those who regarded us as villains. at that place was no murderer to catch, no Strigoi trauma to overcome. There was only if him and me and the feelings that had burned amongst us for so long.When he did consort, it wasnt to lay follow out a counsel. Instead, he personate up his head so that he forecasted prevail over at me. Only a fewer inches separated us, and his look betrayed him. He postulateed to kiss meand I essentialed him to. He leaned over me, one hand resting against my cheek. I readied myself for his lipsI compulsioned themand then he froze. He take uped covert and sat up, exhaling in frustration as he looked a focal point(p) from me. I sat up as well, my live rapid and shallow.Wh-whats wrong? I asked.He glanced prickle at me. Pick. There are solidifyings of choices.I ran a finger along my lips. So close. So, so close. I realize I do it things put up changed. I realize you were wrong. I bang you can feel withdraw intercourse again. His mask was back up as he formulated his answer. This isnt middling some love.The conk minute replayed in my head, that perfect connection, the way hed looked at m e and make my nubble feel. Hell, Sonya claimed we plane had some mystical connection. If its non about love, then what is it about? I exclaimed.Its about doing the dependable thing, he state quietly.The right thing? Right and wrong had been fadeless topics at St. Vladimirs. I wasnt eighteen. He was my teacher. We were slated to be Lissas de jibers and had to give her our full attention. All of those were arguments for why tolerateing apart had been necessary back then. that those had long since move by the wayside.I would surrender questioned him moreif someone hadnt scratched at our door.Both of us sprang up and apart, stretchiness for the stakes wed slept near. Grabbing my stake was instinct beca substance ab design I knew there was no Strigoi out there. barely lately, Strigoi had been the least of our worries.Rose? Dimitri?The vocalisation was merely audible barely familiar. Relaxing slightly, I unzipped the tents entrance and revealed Sonya kneeling in motion of i t. equal us, she wore the same clothes from earlier, and her auburn hair was botch upy. Otherwise, she seemed to have flee her pursuers unscathed. I scooted aside so that she could enter.Cozy, she say, glancing around. Youve got the farthest smear out on the camp make. Took me forever to scram the car you described.Howd you get here? I asked.She winked. Youre not the only ones who can slue cars. Or, in my case, get slew to willingingly carry them.Were you followed? asked Dimitri. He was all seriousness again, with no sign of what had passed moments ago.Not that I could secern, she say, transmutation into a cross-legged position. A straddle guardians followed me back in the neighborhood, barely I lost them a while ago. or so of them seemed more interested in you cardinal. presuppose that, I muttered. Too bad succeeder was long done for(p)he energy have interpreted priority.He didnt dash clear up a queen, she verbalize ruefully. Wed had to dismantletually tell her why schoolmaster was wanted and that hed been the one Sonya had gritd was stalking Lissa back at St. Vladimirs. except the good news is I know where theyre at now.Where? asked Dimitri and I in unison.A small, knowing smile came to her lips at that. West Michigan, she give tongue to. They took off in the reversal fearfulction from Court.Damn, I muttered. Dimitri and I had gone reciprocal ohmeast from Ann Arbor, clipping the Detroit suburbs and nevertheless overlap into Ohio. Wed picked the wrong direction. only you truism Jill? Is she sanction?Sonya n spottyed. Fine. Scared, precisely fine. She described enough landmarks that I pretend we can locate their motel. I assemble her in a inspiration a couple hours ago they had to rest. master wasnt feeling well. They expertness still be there.Then we need to leave now, verbalize Dimitri, instantly in action. Once theyre pitiable, Jill will be awake and out of contact. We jammed up our campsite with astounding spee d. My mortise-and-tenon joint felt better however was still sore. Noticing my limp, Sonya called a halt dependable to begin with we got in her car.Hang on.She knelt before me, examining the ostentatiousness ankle that was easily exposed by my torn dress. Taking a involved tip, she rested her hands on me, and a surge of electricity shot through my leg, followed by waves of heat and cold. When it was over and she stood up, the wound and swelling were gone, as were the scrapes on my legs. likely the cuts on my head too. Spirit users had aged me so often that youd believe Id be used to it, except it was still a little startling.Thank you, I said. But you shouldnt have done that shouldnt have used the magic You need to be in peak condition, she said. Her gaze drifted from me, agaze off at the trees. And the magic well, its saturated to stay away from.Indeed it was, and I felt guilty that she was using it on meand moving closer to insanity. Roberts restoration had healed he r look a little, and she needed to take expediency of that. This was no time for a lecture, though, and Dimitris cheek told me he too eyehot it scoop I get back in shape.We took off toward where Sonya told us Jill was, and this time, her directions were as particular proposition as she could make them. No more vagueness or binding promises. We forfeitped at a time to acquire a new car and get a map. The info Sonya had gleaned from Jill led us to a t proclaim called Sturgis. While it was in the western half(prenominal) of Michigan, it was also southmeaning the surmount wasnt quite as long as wed expected. Nonetheless, Dimitri drove at least fifteen miles per hour over the speed limit the whole time.There, said Sonya, as we rolled into subjecttown Sturgiswhich wasnt more than of a downcasttown. We were near a modest- aspect motel on a side street. Thats what she described. The Sunshine Motel.Dimitri pulled into the lot arsehole the building, and we all sat there, staring at the motel, which didnt look as glad as its note. Like me, I presumed my companions were nerve-wracking to figure out how to approach this. Jills fantasy info had gotten us here, plainly Sonya had zero point else to cooperate us find their dwellif they were even still here. They certainly wouldnt have checked in under real names. I was going to suggest we beneficial walk past the doors and hope Sonya would sense Robert when she suddenly pointed.Thats their car, she said. Theyre here.Sure enough. There was the CR-V wed taken to Jills house. Talk about karma. Id swiped sea captains keys, and hed repaid the favor by taking ours. None of us had thought a lot about his escape fomite in the ensuing chaos.Sloppy, murmured Dimitri, eyes change thoughtfully. They should have switched cars.Thats Sydneys, I pointed out. Its not technically stolen, so its not on any police lists. Besides, something tells me headmaster and Robert arent hot-wiring pros like some people are. Wed lef t a force of stolen cars across the Midwest.Dimitri nodded, like Id actually serious complimented him. Whatever the reason, it helps us.How do we find them? asked Sonya. I was about to suggest the aura computer programme but dismissed it. Robert would sense Sonya at the same moment, giving him brief warning. Plus, when we found the brformer(a)s, thered likely be a strife. Doing it in the motel would attract attention. This set lot was in back, away from the main road.We wait, I said. Its amazing enough that they even stymyped this long. If they have any sense, theyll leave currently.Agreed, said Dimitri, staining my eyes. Souls in sync. The memory of that near-kiss returned, and I looked away, fearing what my face would betray. The lots easy to defend too. Not overmuch room for escape. It was true. The motel flanked one side, a concrete wall the other. There werent publicy other buildings nearby either.He go our car to the farthest spot he could in the lot, providing us w ith a full posture of it and the motels exitbut keeping us semi-concealed. We considered sitting in the car, but Dimitri and I decided we should wait out of doors, giving us more mobility. We left Sonya inner. This wasnt her grapple.Standing fundament the car with Dimitri, in the shadow of a leafy maple, I became acutely aware(predicate) of his proximity and fierce warrior stance. He might be missing his duster, but I had to admit I liked the stack of him I got without the coat.I dont suppose, I said softly, that were going to talk about this scandalise of day?Dimitris eyes were fixed so hard on the CR-V that he might have been attempt to make Jill and the brothers materialize inside it. I wasnt fooled. He was beneficial avoiding looking at me. Theres nothing to talk about.I knew youd say that. Actually, it was a toss-up amid that and I dont know what youre talking about.Dimitri sighed.But, I continued, there is something to talk about. Like when you almost kissed me. A nd what did you mean about the right thing?Silence.You wanted to kiss me It was hard to keep my voice low. I saw it.Just because we want something doesnt mean its right.What I said its true, isnt it? You can love, cant you? I realize now that right after the transformation, you really didnt think you could. And you believably couldnt. But things have changed. Youre getting yourself back.Dimitri gave me a sidelong look. Yes. Things have changed and some havent.Okay, Mr. Enigma. That doesnt help explain the right thing comment.Frustration alter his features. Rose, Ive done a lot of bad things, most of which I can never fix or find repurchase for. My only choice now, if I want to reclaim my life, is to go forward, stopping demonic and doing whats right. And what is not right is taking a charwoman from another man, a man I like and respect. Ill steal cars. Ill break into houses. But there are lines I will not cross, no case what IThe motels back door open up jolted us to attent ion. It was no investigate my love life was so messed up when the most profound and intimate moments were ever so be interrupted by dire situations. It was just as well because I had never, ever seen that line coming What is not right is taking a woman from another man, a man I like and respect. New drama took precedence. master stepped outside, with Robert and Jill walking side by side behind him. Id half expected to see her tied up and was surprised that she tended to(p) them so calmly. Too calmly, I soon accomplished. It wasnt natural. There was an almost robotic feel to her movements she was be compelled into docility.Compulsion, said Dimitri quietly, recognizing it as well. Go for superior. Ill get Robert.I nodded. Jill will run as soon as the compulsions broken. I hope. I didnt put it past her to join our fight, which could cause more harm than good. Wed find out soon enough.Mercifully, no one else was around. It was still fairly early in the morning. Dimitri and I sp rang out from our hiding spots, crossing the distance of the parking lot in a matter of moments. Two healthy dhampirs could outrace two old Moroi any day. And as silklike as they might be, the brothers hadnt expected us.In my periphery, I just barely saw Dimitri kicking into warrior god mode, fierce and unstoppable. Then, I focused entirely on victor, throwing my full weight at him and knocking him to the priming. He hit hard against the pave, and I pinned him down, slamming my fist into his face and making his nose bleed. sound done, he gasped out.Ive been wanting to do that for a very long time, I growled.Victor smiled through the annoyance and the blood. Of course you have. I used to think Belikov was the savage one, but its really you, isnt it? Youre the animal with no control, no higher reasoning except to fight and kill.I clenched his shirt and leaned him over him. Me? Im not the one who tortured Lissa for my own benefit. Im not the one who turned my miss Strigoi. And Im sure as hell not the one who used compulsion to purloin a fifteen-year-old girlTo my disgust, he kept that maddening smile on his face. Shes valuable, Rose. So, so valuable. You have no idea how much so.Shes not an object for you to manipulate I cried. Shes aahhThe ground suddenly rolled up beneath me, a mini- realmquake have-to doe with around us. The asphalt bucked up, giving Victor the levefad to push me off. It wasnt a beefed-up push, and I could have easily vulcanised my balance if not for the ground wavelet and surrounding me, rolling like oceanic waves to knock me over. Victor was using his hide out magic to control the area where I stood. Faint cries of surprise told me others were feeling a little of it, but the magic was distinctly focused on me.Not without cost, though. Victor was an old manan old man Id just shoved onto asphalt and punched. Pain and frighten off were all over him, and his labored breathing told me wielding magic this powerfulsomething Id nev er seen an earth user dowas pushing every ounce of strength he had left. star good punch. That was all I needed. ane good punch would knock him down and take him out of this fight. Only, I was the one being taken down. Literally. Try as I might, my personal earthquake got the better of me, knocking me to my knees. I was still in that stupid dress too, meaning my freshly healed legs got scraped again. And once I was down, the asphalt rose around me. I realized Victor was going to ensnare me by creating a stone prison. I couldnt let that happen.All that brawn for nothing, gasped out Victor, suds pouring off his face. It does you no good in the end. Real power is in the mind. In cunning. In authoritative Jillian, I control Vasilisa. With Vasilisa, I control the Dragomirs, and from therethe Moroi. Thats power. Thats strength.Most of his smug tirade went over me. But part of it stuck In controlling Jillian, I control Vasilisa. Lissa. I couldnt let him hurt her. I couldnt let him use her. In fact, I couldnt let him use Jill either. Lissa had given me a chotki, which was kind of a cross between a wristband and a rosary. It was a Dragomir heirloom, bestowed upon those who protected the family. That was my barter to protect all the Dragomirs. The old guardian mantra rang in my mind They come first.With acquisition I didnt know I possessed, I sized up the shaking ground and attempted to stand again. I made it, practically dancing in that parking lot. And as I stared at Victor, I felt what Sonya had warned about the catalyst. The spark that would heat the darkness Id gathered and gathered from Lissa. In looking at him, I saw all the evils of my life in one man. Was that entirely accurate? No, not exactly. But he had hurt my best friendnearly killed her. Hed toyed with Dimitri and me, complicating what was already a mess of a relationship. He was now trying to control others. When would it end? When would his evil stop? Red and black tinged my vision. I perceive a voice call my nameSonyas, I think. But in that moment, there was nothing else in the public but Victor and my hate for him.I sprang at him, fueled by rage and adrenaline, dance out of the epicenter of shaking ground that threatened to seize me. Once more, I threw myself at him, but we didnt hit the ground. Wed shifted position slightly, and instead, we hit the concrete wallwith just as much force as I might have impel a Strigoi. His head bent back at the impact. I heard an odd cracking sound, and Victor slumped to the ground. I nimble dropped down, grabbing his arms and shaking him. bilk up I screamed. Get up and fight me But no matter how much I shook him or yelled, Victor would not stand. He wouldnt move on his own.Hands grabbed me, trying futilely to pull me away. RoseRose Stop. Stop this.I ignored the voice, ignored the hands. I was all anger and power, wanting no, needingVictor to face me once and for all. Suddenly, a strange one crept along me, like fingertips across m y fell. permit him go. I didnt want to, but for half a second, it seemed like a honest idea. I loosened my hold slightly, just enough for those hands to jerk me away. Like that, I snapped out of the haze and realized what had happened. The person whod pulled me was Sonya, and shed used a circumstantial bit of compulsion to get me away and let go of Victor. She was strong enough in her power that she didnt even need eye contact. She held onto me, even though she had to know it was wasted effort.I have to stop him, I said, wriggling from her grasp. He has to pay. I reached for him again.Sonya gave up on physical restraint, likable to words instead. Rose, he has Hes pulseless. Cant you see that? Dead. Victors deceasedNo, I didnt see thatnot at first. All I saw was my art obsession, my need to get to Victor. But then, her words broke through to me. As I gripped Victor, I felt the limpness in his body. I saw the eyes that looked blankly at nothing. That crazy, churning emotion in me faded, transforming into shock. My grip slackened as I stared at him and truly understood what she had said. Understood what I had done.Then, I heard a indefinable sound. A low wailing broke through the frozen horror in my mind. I glanced back in alarum and saw Dimitri standing with Robert. Roberts arms were pinned behind his back as Dimitri effortlessly held him, but the Moroi was doing everything in his powerand failingto break free. Jill stood nearby, looking uneasily at all of us, confused and afraid.Victor VictorRoberts pleas were quiet by sobs and as useless as my own efforts to get Victor up. I dragged my gaze back down to the body before me, barely believing what I had just done. Id thought the guardians had been crazy in their reaction to Eddie killing a Moroi, but now, I was starting to understand. A heller like a Strigoi was one thing. But the life of a person, even a person whoGet him out of hereSonya was so near me that the unexpected exclamation made me wince. Shed been kneeling too but now jumped to her feet, turning toward Dimitri.Get him out of here As far as you canDimitri looked surprised, but the powerful tender in her voice drove him to instant action. He began dragging Robert away. After a few moments, Dimitri simply opted to toss the man over his shoulder and cart him off. I would have expected cries of protest, but Robert had fallen silent. His eyes were on Victors bodytheir gaze so sharp, so focused that they seemed like they could burn a hole through someone. Sonya, not having my fanciful impression, thrust herself between the brothers and dropped to the ground again, covering Victors body with her own.Get him out of here she called again. Hes trying to pull in Victor back Hell be shadow-kissedI was still confused and upset, still outrage at what Id done, but the danger of what she said hit me hard. Robert couldnt be allowed to bring back Victor back. The brothers were dangerous enough without being bonded. Victor couldnt be allowed to summon ghosts the way I could. Victor had to stay dead.Doesnt he have to touch the body? I asked.To finish the bond, yes. But he was wielding piles of olfactory property just now, calling Victors understanding back and keeping it around, she explained.When Dimitri and Robert were gone, Sonya told me to help her move the body. Wed made too much noise, and it was a wonder no one had come out yet. Jill joined us, and I moved without really being aware of what I was doing. Sonya found the keys to the CR-V on Victor and planate the backseats to increase the rear cargo space. We crawled into it, the tercet of us having to hunch down to stay out of sight. We soon heard voices, people coming to see what had happened. I dont know long they were in the parking lot, only that they mercifully didnt search cars. Honestly? I had few coherent thoughts at all. That rage was gone, but my mind was a mess. I couldnt seem to get a hold of anything concrete. I felt sick and just follow ed Sonyas orders, staying low as I attempt not to look at Victors body. change surface after the voices were gone, she kept us in the car. At last, she exhaled a deep breath and focused on me. Rose? I didnt answer right away. Rose? yeah? I asked, voice cracking. Her voice was console and cajoling. I felt that crawling on my skin again and a need to please her. I need you to look at the dead. Open your eyes to them.The dead? No. My mind felt out of control, and I had enough sense to know bringing ghosts here would be a bad idea. I cant.You can, she said. Ill help you. Please.I couldnt refuse her compulsion. Expanding my senses, I let down the walls I kept around me. They were the walls that blocked me from the world of the dead and the ghosts that followed me around. Within moments, translucent faces appeared before me, some like dominion people and others terrible and ghastly. Their mouths opened, wanting to speak but unable to.What do you see? asked Sonya.Spirits, I whispered.Do you see Victor?I peered into the swarm of faces, seeking anyone familiar. No. repel them back, she said. Put your walls back up.I time-tested to do as she said, but it was hard. I didnt have the will. I felt outside encouragement and realized Sonya was still oblige me. She couldnt make the ghosts disappear, but feelings of support and decisiveness strengthened me. I shut out the anxious dead.Hes gone then, Sonya said. Hes either completely consumed by the world of the dead or is wandering as a restless spirit. Regardless, any lingering threads to life are gone. He cant come back to life. She turned to Jill. Go get Dimitri.I dont know where he is, said Jill, floor.Sonya smiled, but it didnt reach her eyes. Close, Im sure. And watching. Go walk around the motel, the block, whatever. Hell find you.Jill left, needing no compulsion. When she was gone, I bury my face in my hands. Oh God. Oh God. All this time, I denied it, but its true I am a murderer.Dont think about that yet, sai d Sonya. Her take-charge attitude was almost comforting. Almost. It was easier to take orders than fend for yourself. Deal with your guilt later. For now, we have to get rid of the body.I uncovered my eyes and forced myself to look at Victor. nausea welled up within me, and those crazy feelings spun even more out of control. I gave a harsh laugh. Yes. The body. I wish Sydney was here. But we dont have any magic potions. The sun wont destroy him. Weird, isnt it? Strigoi are harder to kill harder to kill, easier to clear up. I laughed again because there was something familiar about my rambling it was like Adrian in one of his weird moments. Or Lissa when spirit had pushed her to the edge. This is it, isnt it? I asked Sonya. The flood the flood you warned me about. Lissa escaped spirit, but it finally defeated me just like Anna just like the trance oh God. This is the dream, isnt it? But I wont wake up Sonya was staring at me, her blue eyes wide with fear? Mockery? get down ? She reached out and took my hand. Stay with me, Rose. Well push it back.A knock at the window startled us both, and Sonya let Jill and Dimitri in.Wheres Robert? asked Sonya.Dimitri glanced down at Victor and then promptly looked away. Unconscious, mystical in some bushes around the corner. Charming, said Sonya. Do you think thats smart? divergence him?He shrugged. I figured I shouldnt be seen carrying an unconscious guy in my arms. In fact yes, I think we should just leave him there. Hell wake up. Hes not a fugitive. And without Victor, hes well, not harmless. But less harmful. We cant keep dragging him with us anyway.I laughed again, that laugh that seemed unhinged and hysterical even to me. Hes unconscious. Of course. Of course. You can do that. You can do the right thing. Not me. I looked down at Victor. An animal, he said. He was right. No higher reasoning I cloaked my arms around myself, my fingernails digging into my skin so hard they drew blood. physiological pain to make the mental pain go away. Wasnt that what Lissa had always said?Dimitri stared at me and then turned to Sonya. Whats wrong? he demanded. Id seen him risk his life over and over, but never, until now, had he truly looked afraid. Spirit, said Sonya. Shes pulled and pulled for so long and managed to hold it back. Its been time lag, though. Always waiting She frowned slightly, maybe realizing she was starting to sound like me. She turned to Jill. Is that silver?Jill looked down at the middle-shaped locket around her neck. I think so.Can I have it?Jill undid the brooch and passed it over. Sonya held it between her palms and closed her eyes a moment, pursing her lips. A few seconds later, her eyes opened, and she turn over me the locket. Put it on.Just touching it gave me a strange tingling in my skin. The heart I looked at Dimitri as I fastened the clasp. Do you remember that? Wheres the heart? you asked. And here it is. Here it I stopped. The world suddenly became crisper. M y jumbled thoughts slowly began to move back together, forming some semblance of rationality. I stared at my companionsthe living onestruly visual perception them now. I touched the locket.This is a ameliorate charm.Sonya nodded. I didnt know if itd work on the mind. I dont think its a permanent wave fix but between it and your own will, youll be okay for a while.I tried not to focus on those last words. For a while. Instead, I tried to make sense of the world around me. Of the body in front of me.What have I done? I whispered.Jill put her arm around me, but it was Dimitri who spoke.What you had to.